Saturday, July 6, 2019

7/6/19 Belmont Park All Graded Stakes Pick Four - Results

Race 7 - The Belmont Oaks - # 4 Concrete Rose (Final Odds 2.90) - "B" Selection
Race 8 - The John A Nerud - # 9 Promises Fulfilled (0.65*) - "B" Selection
Race 9 - The Belmont Derby - # 6 Henley's Joy (20.80) - "C" Selection
Race 10 - The Suburban - # 2 Preservationist (3.95) - "B" Selection

Hopefully those of you who read my preview did as I said and not as I did and went as deep as humanly possible in the third leg of this sequence; because despite using nearly half the field on the big ticket, I managed to miss the winner of the Belmont Derby (and, for that matter, the Place finisher, # 8 Social Paranoia (16.00) as well); and not having the Belmont Derby winner is what made Saturday a day for me to contribute instead of collect.

Oh well; onto the next race.

Meanwhile, those who had the correct All Graded Stakes Pick Four sequence of  4 / 9 / 6 / 2  were rewarded with a payout of $719.75 for their fifty cent wager.  May God bless them as they spend their winnings.

Peace and Love,


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