Friday, May 1, 2020

5/1/20 Oaklawn Park Late Pick Four - Results

Race 7 - The Arkansas Breeders' Championship - # 11 Man in the Can (Final Odds 4.90) - "C" Selection
Race 8 - The Gardenia - # 2 Piece of My Heart (8.60) - "B" Selection
Race 9 - The Fantasy - # 3 Swiss Skydiver (16.10) - "B" Selection
Race 10 - # 6 Spend Spend Spend (2.00*) - "B" Selection

Having won the first three legs of the sequence only to lose the nightcap in each of my previous two publicized attempts at Oaklawn Park's Late Pick Four, I decided to switch things up a bit Friday and connect on the final three contests after failing to have to winner of the curtain jerker on my main ticket.  So that makes three tries in a row in which I've connected on three quarters of the sequence; and I'm sure you all already know how much that pays.

Oh well; onto the next race.

Meanwhile, those who had the correct Late Pick Four sequence of  11 / 2 / 3 / 6  were rewarded with a payout of $2,123.35 for their fifty cent wager.  May God bless them as they spend their winnings.

Peace and Love,


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