And then came the scratches. She was removed from the Silverbulletday Stakes in January (where she was the 4-5 Morning Line favorite) when she experienced colic-like symptoms the morning of the race. Applauding was then scratched from the Rachel Alexandra Stakes in February (where she was again the Morning Line favorite) when Trainer Al Stall saw something he didn't like in her workout earlier that week.
Since then, Applauding has just been hanging out at Claiborne Farm in Kentucky. Quoting Trainer Al Stall:
“There’s nothing really wrong with her,” Stall said. “There was nothing bony, nothing to speak of. We’re going to regroup on her in 30 days, and by that time, I’ll get up to Kentucky, so I can get out and look at her. She was eating everything in sight down here, but I had trouble with her weight.”
And that's been it from Applauding; that is, until Saturday, when she breezed three furlongs at Keeneland in 38 1/5 (22/28).
Does this mean that Applauding is back? Well, working three furlongs is a long way from being entered in an actual race; and even if Applauding should make it back to the starting gate, there's no guarantee that she'll show her old form. But I've got to admit, I really like the idea that I might get to see this horse show her stuff on the track one more time.
Peace and Love,
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