Saturday, April 9, 2016

4/10/16 Santa Anita Late Pick Four - Results

Race 9 - The Thunder Road - # 12 What a View (Final Odds 0.90*) - "A" Selection
Race 10 - The Echo Eddie - # 2 Tough It Out (5.10) - "C" Selection
Race 11 - The Evening Jewel - # 4 Pacific Heat (1.20*) - "A" Selection
Race 12 - # 10 American Freedom (1.90) - "B" Selection

As sometimes happens, we had 'em all, but not all on any one ticket.  I felt that Tough It Out's inability to finish in the money in either of his two prior races around one turn was a valid enough reason to keep him off the big ticket; while American Freedom's status as a first time starter in a contest with runners who had previously hit the board precluded him from being considered a top contender in the finale.  Had we used Tough It Out as a "B" Selection, or American Freedom as an "A" Selection, we would have cashed today.

Oh well; onto the next race.

For the record, here is the $0.50 Will Pay for the runner to which we were alive in the finale:

# 4 Giant Expectations (1.70*) - $37.15 Finish: 3rd

But such was not to be.

Meanwhile, those who had the correct Pick Four sequence of  12 / 2 / 4 / 10  were rewarded with a payout of $52.90 for their fifty cent wager.  May God bless them as they spend their winnings.

Peace and Love,


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